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  • College Students And Online Dating: Are They A Match?

College Students And Online Dating: Are They A Match?

Online dating has become associated with a few different groups of people – mature singles, mostly, as well as anyone with a very busy life. You might think, therefore, that students don’t need to bother with it; after all, they’re probably meeting people at university and in bars or clubs, right?

The thing is, though, the reason there’s so much less stigma around online dating than there used to be is that for young people and students it’s a pretty normal, obvious part of life. The internet is as much a part of their real lives as their local café is – and just as ordinary a place to meet someone new. Amongst the emerging generation it’s becoming peculiar to think that there could have been a stigma about in in the first place.

Why Might Students Want To Try Online Dating?

Of course, students like the idea of online dating for much the same reasons as anybody else does – but there are a few extra draws as well.

  • If you’re at a small school, this gives you the chance to meet a wider range of people
  • For those at schools with strong religious or political affiliations that they do not share, online dating is of great comfort as it means you’ll meet people more on your wavelength
  • Anyone who is predominantly heterosexual but at a single-gender school will still be able to meet and get to know new people of the opposite gender while they’re away at university
  • Conversely, anyone who is predominantly homosexual might find it easier to meet people they’re interested in this way if there aren’t many at their own school
  • It will help you make new local friends if you’ve just moved to a new state or even country
  • You’ll have the opportunity to seem like someone with an active social life outside of school

What Mistakes Might Students Make While Dating Online?

University can be a turbulent time, and it’s one during which people often try to re-invent themselves. So far as online dating goes, though, it’s easy to be tempted to take this too far – stick to the truth, because you won’t be able to keep up the ruse for long if you don’t and then you meet up with someone.

It’s also important to stay safe and not take reckless risks. Make sure, when you meet up with someone, that somebody nearby knows where you’re going and when you’ll be back.