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Why Coffee Dates Are Great for First-Time Online Daters

Choosing where to host your first date with someone you've met online can be difficult, but thankfully there's one answer that pretty much works for everyone – the coffee shop date. Here's some of the reasoning behind why it's the perfect venue for an online dating experience.

Coffee Shops Are Public Places

It's definitely best to use a public place for your first few dates with someone you've not met offline before, and a coffee shop is a great candidate for that. You'll have plenty of people around you, and there will be no shortage of public eyes to keep you safe should something unexpected happen.

You're Unlikely To Be Disturbed

While you're out in public, it's a lot less likely that someone will come over to you and try to strike up a conversation in a coffee shop than in a bar or pub. This means that you'll have plenty of privacy, and lots of room to have your own conversations without eavesdroppers; the people around you will of course also be engaged in their own conversations, and it's a good environment for getting to know someone without too many distractions or interruptions.

There's Something For Everyone

Even the fussiest of people and can find something they want in a coffee shop. Unlike most cafés or restaurants, coffee shops tend to have much the same things wherever you are – and most people will be able to get something they want from them. This means that no matter how restricted your diet is for whatever reason, you won't need to worry about it too much while you're on your first date with somebody new.

It's An Affordable Venue

Whoever winds up paying for everything on the date – or if you split the tab – going to a coffee shop, unlike going to a restaurant, won't break the bank. You or your date will be able to cover things with relative ease, even if you're a little strapped for cash. This makes a coffee shop a much more accessible first date venue than a lot of others might be.

You Can Politely Cut Things Short

There's no expectation that you'll be sat in a coffee shop for hours on end – though you can be if that's what you'd like to do. If things happen to go a little south, however (which can happen, no matter how you met the person you're spending time with) a coffee shop is a venue from which you can dash away after only an hour without seeming too horribly rude.